Emergency care is of the utmost importance because providing the right treatment at the right time saves lives. It is the first point of contact for those experiencing an emergency. Considering the logistics barriers involved in accessing healthcare facilities, emergency services have the responsibility to act swiftly and promptly to ensure patient safety. 


Although early recognition reduces mortality from the associated conditions, people usually seek care when there’s acute pain, illness, or a severe injury. 


Emergency care falls under secondary prevention and is a high-impact form of treatment. According to the Disease Control Priorities project, nearly half of the deaths in the middle and low-income classes can be addressed by implementing emergency services


Today, let’s delve into the realm of emergency care and how important a role it plays. 


Understanding the Role of Emergency Care


Acutely ill and injured people need emergency care for multiple ailments, including medical, surgical, and obstetric emergencies like injuries, infections, pregnancy, heart attacks, or strokes.


In a nutshell, emergency care saves lives by providing swift and quality medical care. Effective emergency care with properly trained staff involves a skilled assessment of the situation, stabilization, and diagnosis. Hence, saving lives from catastrophic circumstances. 


Unscheduled care works 24/7 to attend to patients who need immediate attention with advanced technology, essential drugs, and other required diagnostic tools. 


Once the patient is stabilized, he is either discharged with a prescription or moved to the appropriate care in the hospital. 


Critical conditions that are treated on a large scale in emergency care areas are cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, and trauma. 

Emergency Care Team 


Emergency care teams play a pivotal role when it comes to diagnosing and treating patients at the right time. The emergency teams jump right in to save lives. Even a few minutes of delay in action could determine a patient’s life. The delay could lead to the patient being chronically ill or, in unlucky circumstances, losing their life. 


The emergency medical team consists of doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare professionals who are trained to handle critical emergency situations, sudden disease outbreaks, and the sudden onset of disasters. 


They are the ones responsible for rapid diagnosis, assessing the patient, and initiating appropriate treatments. 


Let’s get to know in detail about the above-said steps. 


Procedures for Emergency Care

Procedures For Emergency Care


There are systematic approaches in emergency management, as they set a streamlined base for the treatment and provide a well-laid path to effectively attend to the patient. 

  1. Assessing the urgency: As soon as one enters emergency care, the severity of the patient’s condition is assessed. Depending on the severity, patient care is prioritized. Patients with life-threatening conditions such as cardiac arrest or trauma are given immediate care, while others have to wait a tad longer to get health care. 

  1. Evaluation: Upon assessing the situation, the professional next evaluates the patient’s condition, including their medical history and symptoms. Then emergency physicians and nurses use their expertise to diagnose the patients by running physical examinations and imaging studies. 

  1. Stabilizing: Following diagnosis, stabilizing becomes crucial to ensuring the patient’s health condition. Prompt interventions take place by administering drugs or life-saving procedures. The goal is to stabilize the conditions to ensure stable conditions for further treatment. 

  1. Treatment: Upon diagnosis, the physical makes an accurate diagnosis and sketches a treatment plan. This involves test results and consulting respective specialists to discuss treatment plans, which may include surgery or other medical administration. 


  1. Disposition: Once the treatment plan is established, depending on the patient’s state, he may be discharged or moved into the hospital for further care for a designated period of time. 




To conclude, emergency care is a crucial element in any healthcare institution that facilitates faster diagnostics, treatment, and eventually faster recovery of the patient. Emergency teams, with their expertise, promise hope and support for patients who come in with life-threatening circumstances. 


We, Oxymed, are one of the top emergency care hospitals in Chennai, with 24/7 emergency care aimed at supporting patients with no hurdles. 


In case of an emergency, with no second doubt, contact us, and we promise to provide the best care possible.