
Surgery is not the only option when cardiac care is concerned. Truly, not all cardiac patients require Bypass or Angioplasty.

We cater to patients using non-invasive techniques like EECP, Chelation, and Ozone Therapy. Our approach to cardiac care is novel, with high success rates and painless treatments, we have treated over 6,000 patients without any surgery.

When Our treatments are considered we place high belief in Non-invasive and Non-surgical treatments. Minimally invasive practices allow patients to have less post-operative pain, recover swiftly, have fewer post-operative complications, and have much more benefits over surgical and invasive procedures. We employ our cutting-edge technology to achieve the best results while placing a huge emphasis on your comfort.Below is a detailed account of the treatment of Cardiac conditions using EECP.

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

In a nutshell,
1. Non-surgical outpatient treatment: EECP is a non-invasive procedure performed on an outpatient basis.
2. Uses external pressure cuffs: EECP involves applying external pressure cuffs to the lower extremities.
3. Enhances heart blood flow: EECP improves blood flow to the heart through rhythmic cuff inflation and deflation.

Mechanism Of Action
EECP exerts its therapeutic effects through several mechanisms:

Increased Diastolic filling
By inflating cuffs during diastole, EECP boosts arterial pressure, enhancing coronary blood flow and ensuring efficient oxygen delivery to the heart muscle.

Reduced Afterload
EECP decreases peripheral resistance, lowering afterload and allowing the heart to work more efficiently.

Improved Coronary Blood Flow
EECP stimulates the growth and dilation of collateral vessels, providing alternative routes for blood flow and reducing the ischemic burden on the heart.

Collateral Vessel Growth
EECP triggers the release of nitric oxide promoting the development of new collateral vessels, further improving blood flow to the heart.

Evidence-based Research
Dr. Sama Akber conducted a study to investigate the impact of Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) on left ventricular (LV) function, measured through strain analysis. The research focused on patients with refractory angina and heart failure symptoms.

Dr. Sama Akber was awarded for his groundbreaking research on the effect of EECP on heart failure at the CSI 4th National Heart Failure Conference.

Note: Dr. Sama Akber's study provides valuable insights into EECP's impact on LV function. For detailed information, refer to the original research article.
-7% increase in ejection fraction from baseline in patients with heart failure
-Increase in 6-minute walk distance covered by 100 mts Reduction in NYHA* class by 1 stage

The Benefits of EECP

Basic Benefits
-EECP improves blood flow, reducing chest pain.
-EECP enhances cardiovascular function, boosting endurance.
-EECP may reduce reliance on cardiovascular medications.

Advanced Benefits
-Stimulates the growth of natural bypass vessels, improving blood flow to the heart.
-Enhances vascular health and overall cardiovascular function.
-Improves symptoms, exercise capacity, and cardiac function.
-Enhances blood flow to the limbs, reducing symptoms.
-Enhances quality of life, reduces anxiety and depression, and increases energy levels.

Indications for EECP

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

‍Refractory Angina: EECP relieves refractory angina and enhances exercise tolerance.
‍Stable Angina: EECP improves stable angina symptoms and enhances quality of life.
Incomplete Revascularization: EECP enhances blood flow and collateral vessel growth in incomplete revascularization.

Heart Failure
‍Symptomatic Relief: EECP improves heart failure symptoms, enhancing quality of life.
Enhanced Cardiac Function: EECP improves cardiac function in heart failure patients through enhanced coronary blood flow and collateral vessel formation.

Other Indications
‍Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): EECP improves PAD symptoms by enhancing lower limb blood flow and exercise capacity.
Microvascular Dysfunction: EECP improves microvascular dysfunction, enhancing angina symptoms and exercise tolerance.

Implementing EECP in Clinical Practice

Patient Selection
-Suitable candidates for EECP: Stable angina, refractory angina, and incomplete revascularization patients.
-Diagnostic confirmation of CAD is required before EECP consideration.
-Assess medical history, symptoms, and cardiovascular health to determine eligibility.

Treatment Protocol
-Recommended treatment: 35 one-hour sessions, five times per week, over seven weeks.
-Cuff application: Calves, thighs, and buttocks while the patient lies comfortably.
-Cuff inflation and deflation enhance blood flow, promoting arterial dilation and increased coronary blood flow.

Integrating EECP with Existing Therapies
EECP combined with medication, lifestyle changes, and revascularization. (Angioplasty / Bypass Surgery)Beneficial for incomplete revascularization and non-ideal candidates.

Integration with cardiac rehab to benefit patients in heart failure.

Clinical Outcomes and Safety

-EECP improves angina, exercise tolerance, and quality of life.
-Reduces angina frequency and nitroglycerin usage.
-Enhances exercise capacity and endurance. Improves quality of life in heart failure.

Safety Profile
-Non-invasive therapy with low risk.
-No surgery or medication is required.
-Well-established safety record, minimal side effects.
-Comfortable procedure with no significant discomfort or downtime.
-Suitable for a wide range of patients, including those ineligible for invasive procedures.

Success Stories

We take much happiness in our patients’ swift recovery and well-being Post-treatment. Below are a couple of success stories and words by the patients themselves.

Mr K. S . R. suffered from a massive heart attack and this led him to have a complicated angioplasty. After the angioplasty, he was unstable and had low BP despite medicating. He was still symptomatic having recurrent bouts of fainting and falling. He was put on EECP with constant monitoring and regular guideline-directed medical management.10 months later he remains stable and now he travels 100 km daily and is symptom-free.

Mr. H. A. suffered from a massive heart attack and underwent angioplasty in his home country of Oman. However, because of the late nature of presentation, he went into heart failure. He came to India seeking cardiac rehabilitation. After a complete course of EECP along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, his blood pressure stabilized and he was able to take all the required medications. A person who could not walk more than 100m without being breathless is now able to walk at least 4km today. This can be attributed to the cardiac rehabilitative facilities namely EECP and HBOT at Oxymed Hospitals.

"EECP therapy at Oxymed Hospitals has been a game-changer for me. With their expert supervision, I've witnessed a remarkable improvement in my heart's condition. This non-invasive treatment has brought new life and hope. I'm grateful for the incredible benefits of EECP that have revitalized my journey to wellness.

"“Against all odds, Dr. Sama Akber and the team at Oxymed Hospitals have given me hope. With improved oxygen levels and heart rate, they have paved the way for my surgery even though I was told no surgery was possible. I am grateful for their encouragement and expertise.”

Our treatments include Non-invasive and Non-surgical practices to help patient recover quickly, have minimal post-operative pain and complication, minimal scarring and much more benefits. Chelation is one such treatment for cardiac conditions

Chelation and its mechanism
Chelation is the most effective and easy-to-perform mode of treatment the world over. There have been countless patients who have benefited from it. There are certain metals in the body like lead, mercury, and cadmium that are naturally toxic. This therapy is imparted by the intravenous infusion of Ethylene Diamine Tetra acetic Acid (EDTA) that removes these toxic metals from the body and improves calcium and cholesterol metabolism. One of the primary causes of a heart attack is the hardening of the arterial walls. Chelation reverses the hardening of such arteries, thereby removing the blocks.

Chelation Therapy enhances the flow of blood all over the body, thus improving health. Clearing the blocks without surgery through this treatment is the greatest blessing that a patient can receive. Chelation is a boon of the immense advancement of medical science. It is the safest, most inexpensive therapy available today. It not only removes blockages from the arterial blood vessels but also restores blood flow in atherosclerotic regions. Patients who probably would have had to undergo surgical intervention get cured.

Conditions Targeted by Chelation

Chelation therapy treats Angina Pectoris, Heart attacks (Myocardial Infarction), arterial blocks, the narrowing of the cerebral blood vessels, Strokes, Transient Ischemic Attacks, Hypertension, and Parkinsonism. 

Oxymed Hospitals offers the best Chelation therapy throughout India. By treating heart attacks by removing blockages without surgery  Chelation at Oxymed allows patients to have a comfortable and less painful treaments at affordable costs.

With no side effects, Ozone therapy is a cost-effective therapy affordable by all. In alternative medicine, ozone therapy uses gas or liquid forms of ozone to treat medical conditions.

Ozone therapy mechanism
Ozone comprises three atoms of Oxygen and is a natural element found in our atmosphere. Ozone production in its medical form takes place with the energization of Oxygen. Used to treat viral, bacterial, and fungal attacks, it plays a vital role in detoxifying unwanted chemicals and organisms in the body. This therapy cleans the tissues and also nourishes them, enabling the patient to regain good health. Oxygen reaches deprived body tissues with the help of this therapy.

Conditions Treated

Ozone therapy has been very effective in treating Heart diseases, Cancer, Parkinsonism, and high level of infections. With no side effects, this is a cost-effective therapy affordable by all. In alternative medicine, ozone therapy uses gas or liquid forms of ozone to treat medical conditions. According to research, when ozone comes into contact with body fluids, the resulting reactions form more proteins and red blood cells, thereby increasing the oxygen supply in your body. Ozone therapy may also disrupt unhealthy processes in your body. Research studies have shown that ozone therapy can inactivate bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa.

With many benefits, Ozone therapy is an inexpensive treatment that can be taken to improve your specific conditions and overall health.